Too Late!

This video was produced by Peter Lazar. The song responds to a recent IPCC report which was roundly ignored by certain world leaders despite grave warnings. It features the solo violin playing of Sarah Buckland, drumming by Ben Todd and a soliloquy written by Andrew Fanning and spoken by Kirstin Damkat-Thomas. All the music was written and played by yours truly, although Sean Timms replaced my harp arpeggios with his piano, added some programmed percussion and produced, edited and mixed the song. Peter Lazar was given very little briefing on the video design, although I did provide him with vocal, and guitar videos to use as he saw fit. His vision is largely based on the lyrics and his own imagination.

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Too Late! (Reprise, Introducing “The Ocean”)

When I wrote ‘Too Late!’, I developed some themes with the orchestra that I felt were really strong. I was a little disappointed that, under lyrics and with accompanying electric instruments, they became obscured into the ‘background’, so I began to work on a purely orchestral arrangement, a ‘Reprise’ of the original song. During this work, I developed two other themes which reminded me of the sea. They are currently forming part of a new song, called ‘The Ocean’. I asked Sean Timms if he would help me to produce this short orchestral work. We brought in some hugely talented, local musicians [sisters Nicola (flute) and Sarah (violin) Buckland, horn player Nicola Chadbourne and ‘cellist Thomas Marlin] to flesh out the solo/leading parts of the four themes and what you hear here is the result. It’s only 2 minutes and some, but it comes from the heart and I hope you enjoy listening to it!

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